MARQ Folio
One-stop solution for trademark registration and management
Benefit Details
10% discount for first application
10% additional discount for filing in 4 or more countries
100% refund guarantee in case your applications get rejected
Please refer to for details about the product
The above benefits may be changed or closed without the consent of the members due to changes or expiration of contract terms with partners.
How to apply
Click the link and and fill in the information for the application
Insert "QUOTA10PT" in the referral code and submit the application
The above benefits may be changed or closed without the consent of the members due to changes or expiration of contract terms with partners.
MARQ Folio
One-stop solution for trademark registration and management
Benefit Details
10% discount for first application
10% additional discount for filing in 4 or more countries
100% refund guarantee in case your applications get rejected
Please refer to for details about the product
The above benefits may be changed or closed without the consent of the members due to changes or expiration of contract terms with partners.
How to apply
Click the link and and fill in the information for the application
Insert "QUOTA10PT" in the referral code and submit the application
The above benefits may be changed or closed without the consent of the members due to changes or expiration of contract terms with partners.
MARQ Folio
One-stop solution for trademark registration and management
Benefit Details
10% discount for first application
10% additional discount for filing in 4 or more countries
100% refund guarantee in case your applications get rejected
Please refer to for details about the product
The above benefits may be changed or closed without the consent of the members due to changes or expiration of contract terms with partners.
How to apply
Click the link and and fill in the information for the application
Insert "QUOTA10PT" in the referral code and submit the application
The above benefits may be changed or closed without the consent of the members due to changes or expiration of contract terms with partners.