2. Updating Investment Exits, Conversions, and Impairments
🚩 Navigate to the fund’s page → [Investments / Returns]
From [Investments / Returns] tab, you can log and track portfolio investments, disinvestments and other related metrics.
Updating Investment Details - [Exits/Conversions/Impairments]
Select the [⁝] toggle button next to the specific investment you wish to update and select [Manage Updates/Valuation]
On the right hand side of the dashboard view, select [Add Update History] → [Add Investment History]
Select the type of investment update that took place - [Exit / Conversion / Impair] - and fill in the necessary information.
You will be required to input required information (*) based on the type of investment exit selected
You will be required to input required information (*) based on the type of conversion selected
You will be required to input required information (*) based on the type of impairment selected